Verify Images: Minerobo

Is this an image of ...?

Image ID: ...




possible specimen

Help maintain the quality of images used by the bot by verifying user-uploaded images.

You can mark an image as:

  • Valid - The object to be identified is clearly visible and is of the correct item. Text revealing the answer is not visible. The image is not a duplicate of an already existing image.
  • Duplicate - The image is a duplicate of an already existing image. You will be presented with likely duplicates by the bot if they exist; only mark as duplicate if they are the same image.
  • Invalid - The object to be identified is not clearly visible or is incorrect, or spoiler text is visible. If a person is prominently featured or identifiable, also mark that as invalid.

Verification counts are checked every 15 minutes. If an image has at least 3 votes for invalid or duplicate, the image is discarded, otherwise if there are at least 3 votes for valid, then it will be added to the bot.